Friday 3 March 2017

How to remove malware from computer

Is your computer running slower than usual? Are you getting lots of pop-ups? Have you seen other weird problems crop up? If so, your PC might be infected with a virus, spyware, or other malware—even if you have an antivirus program installed. Though other problems such as hardware issues can produce similarly annoying symptoms, it’s best to check for malware if your PC is acting up and we’ll show you how to do it yourself.

Step 1: Enter Safe Mode

Before you do anything, you need to disconnect your PC from the internet, and don’t use it until you’re ready to clean your PC. This can help prevent the malware from spreading and/or leaking your private data.

If you think your PC may have a malware infection, boot your PC into Microsoft’s Safe Mode. In this mode, only the minimum required programs and services are loaded. If any malware is set to load automatically when Windows starts, entering in this mode may prevent it from doing so. This is important because it allows the files to be removed easier since they’re not actually running or active.

[ Further reading: How the new age of antivirus software will protect your PC ]
Sadly, Microsoft has turned the process of booting into safe mode from a relatively easy process in Windows 7 and Windows 8 to one that is decidedly more complicated in Windows 10. To boot into Windows Safe Mode, first click the Start Button in Windows 10 and select the Power button as if you were going to reboot, but don’t click anything. Next hold down the Shift key and click Reboot. When the full-screen menu appears, select Troubleshooting, then Advanced Options, then Startup Settings. On the next window click the Restart button and wait for the next screen to appear (just stick with us here, we know this is long). Next you will see a menu with numbered startup options; select number 4, which is Safe Mode. Note that if you want to connect to any online scanners you’ll need to select option 5, which is Safe Mode with Networking.

You may find that your PC runs noticeably faster in Safe Mode. This could be a sign that your system has a malware infection, or it could mean that you have a lot of legitimate programs that normally start up alongside Windows. If your PC is outfitted with a solid state drive it’s probably fast either way.  

Step 2: Delete temporary files

tempfilesYou can use Windows 10’s built-in disk cleanup utility to rid your system of unnecessary temp files.
Now that you’re in Safe Mode, you’ll want to run a virus scan. But before you do that, delete your temporary files. Doing this may speed up the virus scanning, free up disk space, and even get rid of some malware. To use the Disk Cleanup utility included with Windows 10 just type Disk Cleanup in the search bar or after pressing the Start button and select the tool that appears named Disk Cleanup.


Step 3: Download malware scanners

Now you’re ready to have a malware scanner do its work—and fortunately, running a scanner is enough to remove most standard infections. If you already had an antivirus program active on your computer, you should use a different scanner for this malware check, since your current antivirus software may not have detected the malware. Remember, no antivirus program can detect 100 percent of the millions of malware types and variants.

There are two types of antivirus programs. You’re probably more familiar with real-time antivirus programs, which run in the background and constantly watch for malware. Another option is an on-demand scanner, which searches for malware infections when you open the program manually and run a scan. You should have only one real-time antivirus program installed at a time, but you can have many on-demand scanners installed to run scans with multiple programs, thereby ensuring that if one program misses something a different one might find it.

If you think your PC is infected, we recommend using an on-demand scanner first and then following up with a full scan by your real-time antivirus program. Among the free (and high-quality) on-demand scanners available are BitDefender Free Edition, Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool, Malwarebytes, Microsoft’s Malicious Software Removal Tool, Avast, and SuperAntiSpyware.

Step 4: Run a scan with Malwarebytes

For illustrative purposes, we’ll describe how to use the Malwarebytes on-demand scanner. To get started, download it. If you disconnected from the internet for safety reasons when you first suspected that you might be infected, reconnect to it so you can download, install, and update Malwarebytes; then disconnect from the internet again before you start the actual scanning. If you can’t access the internet or you can’t download Malwarebytes on the infected computer, download it on another computer, save it to a USB flash drive, and take the flash drive to the infected computer.

After downloading Malwarebytes, run the setup file and follow the wizard to install the program. Once the program opens, keep the default scan option (“Threat Scan”) selected and click the Start Scan button. It should check for updates before it runs the scan, so just make sure that happens before you proceed.

malwarebytes scan

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Choose Threat Scan to perform a basic analysis of your computer’s most commonly infected files.
C World

Though it offers a custom-scan option, Malwarebytes recommends that you perform the threat scan first, as that scan usually finds all of the infections anyway. Depending on your computer, the quick scan can take anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes, whereas a custom scan might take 30 to 60 minutes or more. While Malwarebytes is scanning, you can see how many files or objects the software has already scanned, and how many of those files it has identified either as being malware or as being infected by malware.

If Malwarebytes automatically disappears after it begins scanning and won’t reopen, you probably have a rootkit or other deep infection that automatically kills scanners to prevent them from removing it. Though you can try some tricks to get around this malicious technique, you might be better off reinstalling Windows after backing up your files (as discussed later), in view of the time and effort you may have to expend to beat the malware.

Once the scan is complete Malwarebytes will show you the results. If the software gives your system a clean bill of health but you still think that your system has acquired some malware, consider running a custom scan with Malwarebytes and trying the other scanners mentioned earlier. If Malwarebytes does find infections, it’ll show you what they are when the scan is complete. Click the Remove Selected button in the lower left to get rid of the specified infections. Malwarebytes may also prompt you to restart your PC in order to complete the removal process, which you should do.

malwarebytes results

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Malwarebytes presents the results of its scan and lets you remove the offending bits with one click.
If your problems persist after you’ve run the threat scan and it has found and removed unwanted files, consider running a full scan with Malwarebytes and the other scanners mentioned earlier. If the malware appears to be gone, run a full scan with your real-time antivirus program to confirm that result.

Monday 20 February 2017

How to get your first job on upwork.

Up work is a number 1 marketplace in word. Everyone want to work this market place . But The new freelancer had not get job. Today we talking about how to get hired on up work .
                                          Top 6 tips For up work.

11)      Make a kick ass profile.

How to make a kick ass profile
-First make a specific tittle  about your skill.
-Then make attractive overview
-Upload a smiling photo
-Must make a profile  video
-Upload 10-15 portfolio items about your skill.
-Must pass up work test minimum 10-20 test.
-Add your all details honestly
-Please don’t use a fake id

2) Set up your job feed .And find your skill match  and your profile qualification job.

3) Always bid fast. You proposal  must had   in 15-20 proposals

4) Write an attractive cover letter.

How to write an attractive cover letter….?
-First read the job details very carefully
-Find out the client name in client previous   feedback
-Don’t write Dear hiring manager
-Write Good Morning, Good Evening, Good afternoon according  to client time .
-Write a short cover letter
-write all things in 1 line that’s proof you are perfect for this job.
-Request to client for see your profile ,videos , blog about your skill.
-Ask job related question.
-write when you finished   this job.
That’s it. If you follow  those tips you must get hired.

5) Always reply fast client message .
6) Always delivered over to client .

If you follow those tips you must be Up work hero. Thanks for reading . If any question then please comment.

The 3 most reason that’s you don’t get hired on upwork.

Hello Guys Today we are taking about why you don’t getting job on up work. Nowadays it’s too hard to get job on up  work. The new freelancer had try and try but not get hired. Are you know why……….?

The 3 most reason that’s you don’t get hired on upwork.

1)The best reason is copy/paste cover letter.
-Client never read copy/paste cover letter such as Dear hiring manger
-So please don’t write a copy/ paste cover letter
-Your cover letter must be had attractive.
-Read client job details very carefully and write only about his job.

2)The other reason is your skill and qualification is not match.
-Please always bid Your skill matching job
-See always what client prefeed qualification .If you profile meet those qualification then bid this job otherwise forget about it.

3) Always bid fast .
-You proposal must had in 15-20 proposal.
-Please don’t bid which job had already 50+ proposal

If you flowing  those tips. Then You must get hired on upwork . Thanks For reading . Please comment if any question.

Sunday 19 February 2017

How To Earn 50$ per day On with No experience and No Investment.

This is very easy to earn money on microworkers. Any one can earn money on this website .Just follow those Steps.

What is

Micro workers is an innovative, International online platform that connects Employers and Workers from around the world. ... The tasks assigned to Workers and paid for by Employers are simple and quick, mostly completed in a few minutes, thus they are called "micro jobs”.

How to Earn  on

-First sing up on
- Then Click on jobs

-Chose a simple job that’s Must  have Success 50%-100%
-Don’t chose 0%-20% jobs

-You open the account now so that you need to pass two exam.

-Pass the exam
-Then Chose your jobs.
-Read carefully job details.

-See required prof and  fill up this from

If you can do this then follow the work instruction  and make the prof that’s client wanted. After finished this job click on I accept this job (a form will open below). Fill up the prof and click on Confirm. That’s it. You can Earn 5$ per hour by some simple task. Anyone can do this task . You can make 50$ per day .
Please comment if any problem . Thanks for reading this.

Thursday 16 February 2017

How to Make an ad fly link

How to Make an ad fly link…………………………………..?

Here the posses:

-Just go to and write your email and password.

-Then copy your video/blog etc link and past into ad fly box .

-And then click on Shrink!

-At last copy this ad fly link

That’s it. Thanks for reading if any question then Please comment.  

How to create an Ad fly account ……………………...?

There are 4 steps to join ad fly.

Here the possess:

-First go to and click to join,

-Then Fill up your personal details such as Name , Email , Password , etc.

-And Then type the captcha for Human Check .

-At last click on I agree and then click on Join

That’s it. You can also join ad fly by Facebook login . Thanks for reading if any question then Please comment.